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Carbon Scenarios

To download the Stockholm Network Carbon Scenarios report Click Here.
To download the executive summary Click Here.


The Stockholm Network’s Carbon Scenarios describe different possible futures that result from the differentiated substance and implementation of possible climate policies. We hope that our 3 scenarios – Kyoto Plus, Agree & Ignore, and Step Change – will be a simple yet powerful tool for discussing the complexity of climate change policy with a variety of stakeholders. These scenarios enable thinking about how far climate policies could take us, at what cost, how global energy markets would evolve in response and how effective these policies will be in addressing the challenges of climate change.

The Kyoto Plus scenario looks at the possibility for climate change mitigation success in the framework of the current UNFCCC process and develops a future where this process leads to a global framework for CO2 emissions being put into place in 2012.
The Agree & Ignore scenario also looks at the current policy context but projects a different path from the one outlined in Kyoto Plus. Instead of focusing on the positive momentum present in the current context, it examines opportunities for backsliding and delays. In other words, the scenario tries to envisage what would occur if an international agreement ‘talked the talk’, but didn’t ‘walk the walk’.
The Step Change scenario envisages a future where policy takes a radically different course, prompted by the occurrence of stochastic weather events. It assesses whether a radically different policy course might have a greater likelihood of delivering both climate policy success and high levels of economic growth.

To view the commentary on the Carbon Scenarios report Click Here.
To view all media coverage of the report Click Here.